19 Best Waves to Surf in Indonesia

19 Best Waves to Surf in Indonesia

The most common surf locations in Indonesia are Bali, Sumatra, Java, and the Mentawai Islands, however, the wave exploring possibilities are endless

Indonesia, known among surfers as Indo, is truly every wave rider's paradise. As the world’s largest archipelagic state, there are 17,508 islands and approximately 54,716 km of coastline. This means lots of beaches and lots of waves. The most common surf locations in Indonesia are Bali, Sumatra, Java, and the Mentawai Islands, however, the wave exploring possibilities are endless. Lesser-known surf spots include Hinakos, Lombok, Nias, Nusa Islands, and Simeulue. The dry season is from May to September and is the best time for surf. Here are some of the best breaks in Indonesia. 


Surf, Indonesia, sumatra

Krui Left – Beginners 

Krui Left is located in mainland Sumatra. It is not the most consistent wave, however, it’s one of the better beginner spots in the area. It is best with a bigger Southwest swell and a medium tide.   

Mandiri - Intermediate – Advanced 

This fantastic beach break is rarely seen under 3 ft. It’s up there in quality with Hossegor and way less crowded. You'll find barrels for days on a Southwest swell and in the morning before the winds pick up. 

Ujung Bocur – Advanced 

This left-hand point break speeds down 200 m of the reef, producing awesome barrel sections. It can handle most swells but performs its best with a Southwest swell. On lower tides, watch out for exposed reefs. 


Surf, Indonesia, Java

The Point Batu Karas – Beginner Point Break

A great beginner break and playground for longboarders, the point at Baru Karas is a protected bay that produces long, gentle, right peelers. It loves a South swell and is one of the few waves that is consistent through the off-season. 

Kerang Batu Karas – Intermediate 

Kerang is a right-hand reef point break that, with the combo of a sizable South swell and higher tide, you'll have almost 150m of rippable wave. Great spot for experienced and intermediate surfers.   

Cimaja Point – Intermediate 

Another super fun right point break under the right circumstances, Cimaja can produce a short barrel section, however, most of the time it's just a fun consistent right. It loves everything from a West to South swell and is best at mid-high tide.   

G-Land – Advanced 

Grajagan, also known as G-land by surfers, is located in a National Park in East Java. G-land has 4 breaks; Kongs, Money trees, Speedies, Chickens, and 20 –20s. It is best on a Southwest swell and works on almost all tides, but be cautious of the reef at low tide. When stars align, G-Land is known as one of the best lefts in the world pumping out perfect left barrels. It is a challenging wave, so only charge if you are an advanced or expert surfer.


Surf, Indonesia, Bali

Dreamland – Beginner 

For those looking for something other than heavy waves with sharp reefs, Dreamland is the spot to be. On smaller swells, its gentle waves are perfect for beginners. On bigger days with the right conditions, barreling A-frames on the outer reef are fun for intermediate to advanced surfers. It works best on a Southwest swell and low tide. 

Impossibles – Intermediate 

Earning its name for its hard predictability, if you catch Impossibles on a good day, it's possible to find perfection. It works best on low to medium tide with a Southwest swell and is a good option for intermediate surfers who aren’t ready for the heaviness of Padang Padang or Uluwatu.   

Airports Rights– Intermediate 

One of the few right breaks in the area, Airport Rights works on a high tide, no wind, and bigger swells. It can be tricky to catch the right conditions, but if you do, it’s endless fun for intermediate and advanced surfers.   

Uluwatu – Intermediate - Advanced 

Uluwatu is a series of breaks; The Racetrack, The Peak, Temples, Outside Corner, and the Bombie, and on most days, at least one of these waves are breaking. Depending on size, the breaks range from fun barreling nuggets to a playground for Big Wave surfers. Uluwatu is best with a South to Southwest swell and mid-tide. On low tides, the barreling sections become super hard to navigate and should only be attempted by experts and professionals. 

Padang Padang – Advanced 

Also called the Balinese Pipeline, when Padang Padang is firing, it grinds out huge, heavy barrels onto a shallow, sharp reef. On season, the wave is frequent, but for the classic Padang to come alive, it needs strong Southwest swells, light offshore winds, and a medium tide. Even expert surfers find the barrel sections at Padang hard to navigate, so only attempt if you are advanced.   

Bingin – Advanced 

The break at the end of the Impossibles reef, Bingin is barrel central. It works best on about a 4 ft South or Southwest swell and mid to low tide. When it’s on time the tube is guaranteed, however visiting surfers and expert locals can make it hard to find a wave. Be cautious of the end section, Stop Signs, as it's a sudden section of exposed reef responsible for taking skin from lots of surfers. To surf Bingin, drop-in, get barreled, get out.   

Mentawai Islands 

Surf, Indonesia, Mentawai Islands

The Mentawai Islands are broken down into three main areas; Playgrounds in the North, Sipora in the middle, and Pagai in the South. 

Beng Bengs – Playgrounds – Beginner – Intermediate

Beng Bengs is an easy-going, predictable left. It takes best to a Southwest swell, works on all tides, and breaks over a deep reef, so no need to worry about scraping skin. Waves are found for all skill levels.   

E-Bay – Playgrounds – Intermediate – Advanced

Nick-named paradise point, E-bay has the potential to grind out incredible, fast, left barrels. It's a high-risk break and needs a lot of Southwest swell to go off. Be careful for exposed reefs in shallow sections and at low tide. If you make the drop and past the first warble, you’ll ride into some tubular perfection.   

Burgerworld – Sipora – Intermediate 

This off-season, right-hand break cranks out fun waves for days when other spots are flat. It likes a West swell and most tides. On season or with overhead swells, it becomes smushy unrideable burgers.   

Lances Right – Sipora - Advanced 

Located on the East side of Sipora, Lances Right is a challenging right-hand barrel with plenty of skin scraping potential on the sharp reef. It works best on a bigger Southwest swell and mid to high tides.   

Macaronis – North Pagai – Intermediate - Advanced

“Maccas” is one of the best high-performance waves in the world. The possibilities are endless for what you can do with this wave. It is a left-hand reef break that produces clean barrel after clean barrel, almost mimicking what you see at Kelly Slater’s Surf Ranch. It works best on a South to Southwest swell, medium tide, and can handle most swell sizes for plenty of fun in the sun.  

Planning to surf in Indonesia? Remember to check out the Jamie O’Brien Surf App here for anytime, anywhere surf coaching. 

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